The Stair Society: Scotland’s Legal History Society

Stair Society Publications Directory

The main series of Stair Society publications is listed below by volume number – please click the entry titles for full details of each.  Unless otherwise stated all volumes currently in print are available from the Avizandum Law Bookshop.

Selected articles from our Miscellany volumes are freely available for download in PDF format.

Vol 64

By Thomas Craig of Riccarton, translated, edited and annotated by Leslie Dodd

This is the first of a projected three volumes providing a Latin text and facing English translation of the Jus feudale of Thomas Craig.

Published 2017

Vol 63

Edited by Hugh M. Milne

This volume is an annotated edition of manuscript and printed legal papers drafted or dictated by James Boswell in cases that he was involved in during the period from 12 November 1767 to 11 November 1769. It continues the exploration of Boswell’s legal papers that Milne published as the Society’s 60th volume in 2013.

Published 2016

Vol 61

Edited by Thomas M. Green, PhD, British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow

In this volume, Dr Green presents decisions of the Commissary Court in Edinburgh concerned with marriage at a time when the Protestant Reformation meant that spiritual jurisdiction over such matters was unclear. Green describes the situation in his Introduction which also includes brief biographies of the first four Commissioners: James Balfour. Edward Henryson, Clement Litill, and Robert Maitland.

Published 2014


Volumes indicated as available may become unavailable without notice, as a result of sales. Neither The Stair Society nor the Avizandum Law Bookshop can accept responsibility to prospective purchasers for this.

From time to time the Society is asked to dispose of, or to source, extended runs or complete sets of volumes on behalf of members or their families. If you are interested in such sales or acquisitions, you are invited to direct your enquiries in the first instance to the Avizandum Law Bookshop.